Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. (John 20:1)

It’s still dark.
We’re here, huddled together,
praying for the clarity of light.

it’s still dark.
We sense your Spirit moving.
We hope for better light.
We believe in Your power to redeem our world.
We acknowledge our need for reconciliation.

it’s still dark.
We experience shafts of light
breaking through the darkness
reminding us that goodness still exists
stirring up our senses with anticipation.

it’s still dark.
Like Mary Magdalene, we seek you out
while it’s still dark.

Like John and Peter, we run to the empty tomb,
and hesitate entering,
refusing to believe our own eyes.
We tremble at the unknown future
And we see, really see, that our lives
will never be the same again.

Be with us, Gentle Lord,
while we dwell in the dark,
while we rail against it.

We seek the warm rays of compassion
and the faith to believe in Your light,
Even though
it’s still dark.

By Virgil Fry
From Rekindled: Warmed by Fires of Hope (Leafwood, 2007)