We love, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Don’t be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of other people, too. (Phil 2:4)

Lord God,
We confess:
our lifestyles are too busy,
our focus self-centered,
and our world is consumed
with fear, greed, and pride.
Sometimes, Lord, we react
to the pains of others
with a flippant “who cares?”

Yet, in our more receptive times,
when Your Voice calls to
our innermost beings,
We know with absolute certainty two things
we desperately need:
To be loved…and to love.

Hear us, Lord,
thankful to experience occasional
breakthrough moments
of unconditional love.

Be with those whose hearts are broken,
demoralized by life’s blows;
those who mirror to us that unfairness and suffering
is not lightened by pat answers or avoidance,
but is made bearable
because of fellow travelers
who truly do care,
and show it.

Walk with us, God.
Our trek is not always easy,
our vision shortsighted,
our love often hidden.
May we seek the deeper places
where our compassion, our joy reflect
You, the God who is Love.

By Virgil Fry

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Some Assembly Required:  Grieving When Everyone Else Has Moved On
April 20, 2024
Virtual Event on Zoom

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