Hope is patience with the lamp lit. –Tertullian

Lord God,
With wavering, often dimly lit faith,
we hope.
Knowing in our hearts that any hope in You
is adequate…
Keeping us going toward
better moments,
better thinking,
better being.

We get battered in our faith walk—
as storms regale us.
Storms of:
Harsh words
Unwelcome news
Health crisis
Unbearable grief
Nature’s destruction
Worldwide violence
Personal demons.

And yet, through it all,
there You are—
a rock,
a shelter,
a guiding hand,
a warm embrace.

Time and again,
You redeem, You assure,
You listen, You recreate.
You are You…
And that is enough.

May we steady ourselves with such divinely generated hope.

May we steady other storm-tossed travelers.

May we find rest and strength in You,
Our Beloved One.


By Virgil Fry