Providing compassionate support to the
seriously ill, their families and caregivers
and being an educational resource for crisis ministry

Our Work

More than 10 million people per year visit major medical centers in Texas as patients, not counting their loved ones or caregivers. Many of these patients lack basic emotional and spiritual support in their moment of suffering. We’re on a mission to provide compassionate support to these individuals and their families.

Our Board Certified Chaplains have extensively refined their pastoral care skills through years of experience. They believe that sustainable chaplaincy at Lifeline is volunteer-driven, and thus spend significant time training our volunteers to interact with patients on meaningful physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Patients Visited in 2024

Patients Visited Since 1983

Current Pastoral Care Volunteers

Pastoral Care Volunteers Since 1983

Pastoral Care Workshops in 2024

Pastoral Care Workshops Since 1983

Student Interns in 2024

Student Interns Since 1989

Few people are ever prepared for crisis, and medical situations often hit a person when they and their loved ones least expect it. We’re on a mission to provide educational resources for these difficult moments of crisis.

Churches and pastors are often the people to whom we look for assistance in moments of suffering. We believe that what our Board Certified Chaplains offer their volunteers provides a rich resource for church leaders, pastors, and ministry volunteers to more adequately and adeptly respond to the complicated crises that all churches face.

Stories from the Front Lines

God Led Me to Your Door

By Michele Thompson, BCC, Lifeline Volunteer Central Texas I looked over the census for the floor I covered, as I did every day, planning who I would go visit, usually based on how long they’d been here. There were several patients who had been here for more than a...

Articulating Your Personal Theology of Suffering and Loss

By Paul Riddle, Director of Spiritual Care - Houston This exercise is drawn from Lifeline’s training course, “Ministry in Times of Illness and Loss, Part 2.” It’s an exercise in “working” theology, not academic theology. While academic theology is valuable and has its...

On Walking Into a Hospital Room

By Gina Nored, Lifeline Student Intern Before I walk, I sit. The chapel chairs arranged in a square feel confining yet free. I find myself locked into the presence of Jesus of my own will, and He helps me prepare for the coming visits. I feel as if I’m wasting time,...

Walking Through the Door

By Gabriel Fisher, Director of Spiritual Care – Dallas   Have you ever experienced the uncertainty that hangs in the air right before you knock on a hospital door? It’s a second where anything is possible. Will the person on the other side receive me well or will...

Anchored Faith

By Jesse Stroup Anchored faith and tender friendships can sustain a person with a serious illness. A patient, who I will call Ann, taught me this lesson as she battled Cystic Fibrosis. In my visits with Ann, I learned that she lived with her sister and another close...

When Helping Literally Hurt

By David Martin, Director of Spiritual Care - Tarrant County Pulling a double shift at the hospital was not a habit that a particular nurse, who I will call Wendi, wanted to develop. But she valued the comp time. As she headed out to the parking garage, Wendi heard...

Help provide compassionate support to the seriously ill and their families and help provide educational resources for crisis ministry.

Hospitalization is stressful. Patients and their caregivers face intense anxieties as they navigate these health crises. Together, we can meet these people in their suffering and provide the ministry of comfort and compassion (2 Cor 1:3-4). Join the Care Community, our family of monthly givers, to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to hospital patients in our hurting world.

Care Community Levels


$100 a month

Advocates help us connect with 12 struggling patients and families per month.


$75 a month

Companions help us connect with 9 struggling patients and families per month.


$50 a month

Comforters help us connect with 6 struggling patients and families per month.


$25 a month

Listeners help us connect with 3 struggling patients and families per month.


$10 a month

Friends help us connect with 1 struggling patient and family per month.

We are on a mission to provide compassionate support to the seriously ill, their families, and caregivers. Your monthly donation helps us meet these patients and their families when they need it most. Patients and caregivers receive professional pastoral care (compassion, empathy, and a listening ear) from our board-certified chaplains and trained volunteers. Together, the work we do has the capacity to make a significant difference. Thank you for joining the Care Community!